Behind the margin - John Busher, Riin kaljurand, helen robbins & Pat byrne.
Behind the Margin will investigate how we negotiate and navigate events in the modern world. This is reference through examining domestic scenarios, the exploration of mythological themes and personalised folklore. The notion of a psychological state brought about by significant change is mirrored in individual art practices.
John Busher’s work referenced the nuances of perpetual experience. Investigated from a bodily point of view, figures often disperse through a gradual process of reworking. Pat Byrne’s dark brooding work reconsiders the relevance of folklore. Isolated, these figures engage in nocturnal wanderings, devoid of the outside world. Conflicting gender identity provides a source for Riin Kaljurand’s practice. Removed from her native past she dissects soviet ideologies, and configures the surface to refresh collective memory into densely woven scenes. Garments are often the focus in Helen Robbin’s practice. A protective measure, they habitually meld with their surroundings, echoing the fauna that can be foraged from the forest bed below. Behind the Margin asks us to relate the human perception of time, past, present and future |